Alex Achtem, Catherine Connolly, Stephen Palmer and Fiona Williams
Curated by Stephen Palmer and Fiona Williams
Bus Projects, July 2014

hesitation draws together four artists for whom hesitance plays a significant role in the approach to, or process of, making work. By bringing them together this show will seek to examine the various uncertainties at stake in art, as a way of relating, representing, or taking action in the world.
Each of the participating artists work across an unfixed range of media, in which the choice of form, and process of execution, plays a crucial part in the trajectory of the work. Uncertainty is here considered a necessary condition of art’s exigency, propelling small decisions and confusions as the constitutive circumstances of production. In this sense the exhibition is tied to particular artistic strategies, but is also directed towards the more general questions of art’s capacity to intervene in social and intellectual life.


The Weather from here 2014
29 x 42cm

Prop #1 2014
.5 x 160cm

Exhibition install shots, Bus Projects (including work by Fiona Williams and Stephen Palmer in the background)
Photographs by Clare Rae
NARS Season II International Artist Residency Exhibition

Install shot
I'm glad I spent it with you* 2013
Perpex, dimensions variable

That I might reach you**
Brass, 12 x 24cm 

I'm glad I spent it with you* 2013
Perpex, dimensions variable

*Title from Lou Reed: 'Perfect Day', 1972
**Title from Simon and Garfunkel: 'Sound of Silence', 1964

With many thanks to the Copyright Agency Creative Industries Fund, the Ian Potter Cultural Trust, The VCA Faculty Small Grant Scheme and the donors of the John and Mary Kerley Studio Research Traveling Scholarship for their generous support.

NARS Studio Residency, New York. 2013

With many thanks to the Copyright Agency Creative Industries Fund, the Ian Potter Cultural Trust, The VCA Faculty Small Grant Scheme and the donors of the John and Mary Kerley Studio Research Traveling Scholarship for their generous support.