Each Action Equal

Level ARI, Brisbane. March 2011

Each Action Equal gathers humorous and/ or absurd performative gestures that communicate a

variety of deeper concerns: the role of the gendered body in art, feminine relation to

Modernism, the gendering of gestures and concern for how one should perform in film and art

making. Featuring works by female artists utilising a combination of humour, the body and

performative aspects through a variety of gestures from sitting on a power sander to quite

literally inserting oneself into Modernism. These works share the desire to look at the impulse to

communicate, what these awkward gestures may mean, the potential of humour as an artistic

and feminist strategy, and how the gendered body is used in a creative context.

Artist, Artist with Comedic Prop
2011, Digital Video, 3 x 3 minutes

Digital Video Stills

Install shot with Kel Glaister's Sitting on a Power Sander