Neither Beginning nor Ending

Firstdraft Solo Exhibition, Surry Hills. February 2011

Untitled Pair
2011, Video Installation, Mixed Media, 2 x single channel video 1 and 2 minute loops

Exhibition Blurb:

Catherine Connolly’s recent video installation work examines representation in and the language of cinema, and the ways in which this enforces, subverts or complicates ideas of gender, performativity and space. Cinematic language encompasses many prevalent concerns in her practice: the body, desire, the uncanny, spatial interaction as well as the nature of narrative and its rupture. Her practice also explores both real and represented spaces, and the way that a body, particularly the gendered body, moves and relates to them both on screen and in the world.

For this exhibition she extends on previous filmic investigations by taking from cinematic language and utilising it in both real and represented space, drawing on a  familiarity with the cinematic relationship between space, the body, horror and the uncanny.

For full exhibition essays by Rebecca Adams and Stephanie Van Schilt please see exhibition texts